Thursday, September 27, 2012

Samsung HT-WS1R Soundbar Review

Samsung HT-WS1R Soundbar
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I have been looking at soundbar systems for over a year now. It all started when I decided to add an Xbox360 and a blu-ray player to my home setup. I had a specific setup and a specific list of issues I was trying to resolve and I ended up getting a full 5.1 surround system to go with my blu-ray. It was pretty good, but then we decided to move into a new place and the tv had to go in a cutout above the fireplace. This created a problem because I didn't want to run wires all over the place and there was no way to get wires run out of the fireplace cutout without putting a hole in the, these are the issues I finally ended up needed to address:
1. I needed something that would sit in front of my TV, but not be too big because it would block the view of the bottom of the screen (the TV is a little high up)
2. I needed something that would generate a better range of sound than my tv's built-in speakers (I often have trouble hearing what people are saying, especially when there's other sounds in the show or if there's background noise like my kids or my dishwasher running etc...)
3. I needed something that would generate more volume than my tv's built-in speakers (again, just want to be able to turn it out without the sound turning to crap).
4. I needed something that would put out some bass.
5. I needed something with a digital audio interface (so either optical audio or HDMI) because analog audio sounds like garbage and picks up a lot of noise from interference.
6. I didn't want to spend $500+.
So, I looked at several systems. Most of the soundbars are small enough to sit in front of my TV without blocking my view, but some of them were very I eliminated them from my list. Almost all of the soundbars had better sound than my built-in TV, but I crossed the cheap-o brands off of my list. Again, volume wasn't an testing revealed that all of the soundbar systems available put out quite a bit more sound than my TV without any loss of quality. And again, any soundbar with an active subwoofer generate a lot more bass than my tv, but I did have an issue putting a sub up on the shelf behind my TV. A lot of these systems have an infrared receiver for use with a remote control, and several of them put it on the subwoofer. For me to use that I would have to put the subwoofer on the floor and run a cable up to the TV/Soundbar...which isn't an options for me. So I narrowed my search to system with a wireless subwoofer. The digital audio interface was a little trickier, several of the soundbars only have analog inputs (either the Red/White RCA connection or the miniplug headphone connection). This is fine if you just to hookup an ipod or something like that, but if you want it to process any digital audio (like PCM, Dolby Digital, or DTS) then you need either an optical connection or an HDMI connection. I crossed a few more off the list. The price was the biggest differentiator...there are a handful of decent soundbars under $300...and then there's a rather big jump to $600 & $900+...I don't see any reason to spend this much money on a soundbar unless you absolutely have to. That much money would be better spent installing a full surround system if you can.
So, taking all this into consideration, I ended up looking at the Samsung HT-WS1R. It is listed at $300 and comes in either Red or Grey. I went in to my local best-buy and they happened to have a Red model open box for $270. I had been waiting a long time to pull the trigger on this decision, and I decided to go for it.
A couple points:
1. The best-buy salesperson told me it was a 3.1 is NOT. It is a 2.1 system, which mean it has two speakers and one subwoofer. A 3.1 system will tend to give you better stereo separation (sound moves from left to right when the car goes driving by on the tv) and the center channel will give better vocal range for voices...but in a small soundbar like this you'd hardly notice.
2. The best-buy salesperson also tried to sell me a $30 optical cable. My friend who was with me told me he had one so I didn't buy one, but when I got it home and opened the box I found that it came with a nice optical you don't need to buy anything for this to work.
The Results:
So I got this home and had it hooked up in under 30 minutes. Be careful connecting the optical cable...there are little rubber caps on the end of the cable that need to be removed, and on mine they were clear so i didn't see them...might have done some damage if I hadn't noticed.
This unit easily met all of my requirements. The volume is much greater than my TV. It is a LOT easier to understand voices. The sub puts out a lot of good, solid bass (really adds to the drama of movies etc...). It looks good, and it all fits the way I want. I put the sub on the floor next to the fireplace and it's creating great sound. I might move it behind the couch and see how that sounds.
1. Good value for the money
2. Looks very nice
3. Easy hookup
4. Great sound (quality and volume)
1. Can't adjust sub output. (not directly at least. The soundbar has 3 audio modes, News, Cinema, and Music. It also has Passthrough which just plays it how it gets it from the you can adjust the levels on your TV if you want)
2. Had some issues getting my logitech harmony remote to control this unit, but got that sorted by programming the remote directly using Raw commands.
3. Doesn't have HDMI pass-through which would be nice if I wanted to connect multiple devices directly to this system, but my TV has 3 so I just use the TV to pass the digital audio to the soundbar and it works great.
So, if you're in my position or something similar this is a great buy. I haven't had any issues with sound quality, volume, or subwoofer cut-out. The reviewers that claim that this puts out less volume than their TV must have set this up wrong because it puts out A LOT of volume...I can't turn it up all the way because it would be way too loud...I turn it up to about 4 out of 8.
If you don't have a universal remote and want to hook a bunch of HDMI devices to a TV that only has one or two HDMI inputs, you should look at the Sony HTCT-100 or HTCT-500. They both have multimple HDMI inputs and the subwoofer acts like an AV Receives, so you can control your inputs using it. But, it is not a wireless subwoofer so it will have to have a physical connection to the TV and the Soundbar.
10/6/2010 Update!!!
Two comments
1. I keep the unit on "News" mode all the time now. It's easiest for me to hear dialogue (I think I have a little trouble hearing in this range) and it keeps the bass at a nice level.
2. A lot of people have commented on the sub going in and out. I have discovered through usage that the sub turns off at lower volumes...specifically when the volume is two click below 4 bars (or lower). I haven't noticed any issues with sound but I hear the sub turn off and on when i toggle the volume at that level...i typically keep the volume right at 4 bars except when i'm watching dvds...the volume output of my blu-ray player is lower than the tv so i typically have to turn it up when i watch dvds.
Otherwise, i'm very happy with this purchase and won't even consider an upgrade until someone puts out a 3-channel soundbar with wireless sub + rear speakers!
End Update!!!

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Samsung Soundbar

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